- Fechas: 6, 7, 11 y 12 de noviembre
- Relación de personas admitidas
- Destinatarios: Ver leer más
- Lugar: CEP de Santander
- Duración/créditos: 9 horas / 1 crédito
- Plazas: 25
Creative dramatic activities play a pivotal role in second language learning by providing immersive and engaging experiences that foster language acquisition. Learners are not only exposed to authentic language usage, but also actively engage in communication, comprehension and expression in a supportive environment. This course will provide teachers with the necessary tools to lead a variety of creative activities for students of all ages. Dynamic, fun activities will get students out of their chairs while speaking, singing and working together, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones, boosting their confidence and self-steem, as they overcome language barriers and perform in front of peers. These creative communicative activities align with the LOMLOE’s emphasis on skill development, as they provide opportunities for students to develop linguistic, communicative and cultural competences through experiential learning. Moreover, the creative and interactive nature of drama, music and theatre, sparks intrinsic motivation which can enhance student’s linguistic proficiency while nurturing their sense of accomplishment and enthusiasm for learning. In this course, conversation and group work will reflect on successful and positive teaching practices, including lesson planning and classroom management. Games and activities will include individual, pair and group games with music and drama elements focusing on increasing student’s body and spatial awareness, creativity and cooperation.
Miércoles 6 de noviembre, 18:00 a 20:15. How to organize a successful class using theatre techniques.
Introduction. Organizing your successful class from warmers to individual work to pair work to group work.
Jueves 7 de noviembre, 18:00 a 20:15. Being creative but still following the curriculum.
Teaching kids and teachers to be creative while still teaching language skills. Movement games for the classroom and patio.
Lunes 11 de noviembre, 18:00 a 20:15. Using movement games and music in the classroom.
Rhythmic exercises using music.
Martes 12 de noviembre, 18:00 a 20:15. From mime to Improv to Scripts: how to use stories in the classroom.
Creative games using drama. Short scripts and imaginative activities using storytelling.
Duración: 9 horas / 1 crédito
Plazas: 25
Lugar: Centro de Profesorado de Santander
Fechas: 6, 7, 11 y 12 de noviembre
Horario: 18:00 a 20:15 horas
Profesorado de Primaria, ESO y/o Bachillerato de la especialidad de inglés o que impartan áreas DNL en inglés.
A través de la web www.cepdecantabria.es/
Plazo: Hasta el 5 de noviembre a las 10:00 horas
La relación de admisiones se publicará en la página web del CEP el día 5 de noviembre a partir de las 11:00 horas. Las personas admitidas en el curso que renuncien a su participación deberán comunicarlo al correo electrónico Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Es obligatorio utilizar la cuenta institucional de Educantabria para realizar la inscripción.
Participación, como mínimo, en el 85% de las sesiones, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente (Orden EDU/41/2009).